Data Analytics

Our business began 17 years ago as a Data Analytics consultancy, and it remains a cornerstone of our offerings within the data space. Insight Consulting believes in a collaborative approach to data analytics. We don’t just crunch numbers—we partner with our clients to truly understand their unique challenges, objectives, and aspirations. By getting under the skin of your business, we can tailor our solutions to meet your specific needs and drive tangible results.

Our team of certified consultants boast skills and experience across various industry and functional areas. Our consultants are focused on guiding and advising you every step of the way, ensuring that you have the support and expertise you need to succeed with all your data analytics initiatives.

In addition to our consulting services, we provide comprehensive training in application navigation, development, and data literacy. We aim to empower you and your team to navigate analytics tools and make confident, data-driven decisions easily.

Whether you’re a small startup or a large enterprise, we have the expertise and resources to help you leverage your data to its fullest potential.

We offer consulting services for data projects, based on collaboration, expertise, and excellence. Our approach begins with a thorough business requirements meeting to understand your objectives, challenges, and aspirations. After selecting the appropriate technology stack, we provide a comprehensive blueprint for the project. During the iterative development process, we involve you at every step, ensuring the solution meets high standards of quality and reliability. We deliver the final solution, provide training, maintenance, and ongoing support for your investment.


As part of our commitment to excellence, we’ve chosen Power BI and Qlik as our analytics tools. These platforms offer the versatility, functionality, and scalability necessary to address our customers’ diverse use cases.

Power BI is a powerful business intelligence tool that empowers users to visualise and analyse data in real-time, transforming raw data into actionable insights. With its intuitive interface and familiarity as part of the Microsoft family, Power BI enables organisations to easily uncover trends, identify patterns, and make data-driven decisions. Whether you’re a small business or a large enterprise, Power BI provides the flexibility and scalability to meet your evolving analytical needs.

Qlik is renowned for its patented associative model, allowing users to explore data relationships dynamically. By connecting data from multiple sources, Qlik enables organisations to gain a holistic view of their business and discover insights that might go unnoticed. With its powerful data visualisation capabilities and user-friendly interface, Qlik empowers users to work with 100s of millions of rows of data, making informed decisions quickly and confidently.

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Want to know more?

By leveraging our Data Maturity Framework, organisations can accelerate their journey towards data-driven excellence and achieve meaningful business outcomes.